Sabtu, 10 November 2012


Subject : Process of natural or socio-cultural phenomena (proses kejadian alam atau kejadian sosial budaya)
              i.g: How rain happens
                   How facsimile works
                   Process of volcano eruption formation
                   How to make a paper  
Communicative Purpose: To explain the process of natural or socio-cultural phenomena working/formation (Untuk menjelaskan proses pembentukan atau kerja kejadian alam atau sosial budaya)
Generic structure : 
1. General statement  ; stating the phenomenon issues which will be explained. (menyatakan masalah fenomena yang akan dijelaskan
2. Explanation            ; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena
.(menyatakan serangkaian langkah yang menjelaskan kejadian tersebut)

Example of text
When we need food, our body begins to crave for it. But how do we know that we are hungry? How does our mind get the message and make us feel hungry? Hunger has nothing to do with an empty stomach, as most people believe. A baby is born with an empty stomach, yet it doesn’t feel hungry for several days. People who are ill often have empty stomach but don’t feel hungry. They just simply lose their appetite.
Hunger begins when the blood is getting out of some certain nutritive materials. When the blood vessels lack of these materials, a message is sent to a part of the brain that is called the “hunger center”. This part of the brain works like a brake in the intestine. As long as the blood has sufficient nutrition, the “hunger center” makes the intestine works more actively. That’s why a hungry person often hears his stomach “rumbling”.
Feeling hungry indicates our body needs nourishment that comes from variety of good quality of food. For instance, from vegetables, meats, eggs, and dairy products like milk and butter.
How long can we survive without food? That depends on the individual’s body condition. A very calm person can live longer without food than an excitable one because the protein stored up in his or her body is used less actively.

1.         The text is mainly discusses about … .
A.    The process how someone feel hungry
B.    The importance of food for our body
C.    The process of digestive system
D.    The condition when someone feels hungry
E.     The hunger center process
2.         Which of the following is not variety of good food?
A.    Egg
B.    Bean
C.    Ice cream
D.    Spinach
E.     Cabbage
3.         What is communicative purpose of the text?
A.      To describe the use of intestine.
B.      To explain how someone feels hungry
C.      To give a report the feeling of hungry.
D.      To tell the function of hunger center.
E.       To inform how important the food to our body.
4.         .....up in his or her body is used less actively. (Last sentence). The word “his or her” refers to....
A.      Our body
B.      Hungry person
C.      Individual’s body
D.      Individual’s condition
E.       A very calm person

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